

<p>В пятницу gala-party в Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel подвело итог Пятому Golden Hummer - фестивалю рекламы, который давно уже перерос только балтийский регион. В этом году Украина представила в Ригу 62 работы, став ?етвертой страной по коли?еству у?астников. Как и ожидалось, впереди была тройка хозяев "Молотка" - Латвия, Эстония, Литва. </p> <p>Свидетельства "о?евидца" - официального представителя Golden Hummer в Украине, исполнительного директора Всеукраинской Рекламной Коалиции Максима Лазебника - coming soon. Отдельная благодарность - пиар-команде фестиваля и пресс-атташе фестиваля Anda Celma.</p> <p>Пресс-релиз организаторов с результатами фестиваля...</p>

Впервые фестиваль "Золотой Молоток" (Golden Hammer) был проведен в 1994 году как конкурс национальной латвийской рекламы. Затем был перерыв. Начиная с 2000 года, проходит регулярно в конце августа, под эгидой Латвийской Ассоциации Рекламы. Является, безусловно, центральным событием в рекламе для всего Балтийского региона - не только как рекламный смотр, но и как форум для обмена профессиональным опытом.

В прошлом году участие в Фестивале приняли 18 стран – Латвия, Литва, Эстония, Россия, Беларусь, Украина, Румыния, Венгрия, Испания, Польша, Чехия, Дания, Финляндия, Япония (впервые), Германия, Казахстан, Сербия и Черногория, Швеция.

В этом году GM проводится в 5-й раз, на территории гостиницы Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel. Фестиваль откроется 26 августа докладом генерального директора РА MediaCom Finland Бенгта Линдстрёма (Bengt Lindstroem) "Война брендов – битва за умы потребителей". Семинарская программа включает 17 докладов, с которыми выступят, в т.ч., Старший вице-президент DDB Europe (UK), CEO Mediaedge:cia (Sweden), директор по медиа-планированию Y&R Europe (UK), креативный директор TBWA (Germany), вице-президент Universal McCann EMEA (UK), заместитель директора Clear Channel Baltics&Russia AB (Sweden), Sales&Marketing Director Tallink (Sweden), издатель Baltic Marketing & Advertising (Estonia), креативный директор и владелец Lowe Avanta (Slovenia), креативный директор Saatchi&Saatchi (Russia), генеральный директор Adell Saatchi&Saatchi (Estonia),директор по стратегическому планированию OMD Europe (UK), региональный директор TNS Emor (Estonia) и другие.


Golden Hammer 2004 Creativity Case Goes To “B.V. McCann-Erickson”, Romania

Golden Hammer 2004 Media Folder Goes To “Leo Express”, Estonia

August 27, 2004, Riga (Latvia).

Today, on August 27th, the 5th International Baltic Advertising Festival GOLDEN HAMMER celebrates its successful conclusion with the Gala Ceremony in the evening at Kipsala Exhibition Centre, where laureates will be awarded their prizes. During the Press Briefing that was held in the morning of 27.08. the Festival president Laila Ozolina informed the media about the winners. In their turn, the Creative Jury Chairman Mr. Peter Kandimaa, agency “Rakett” Creative Director (Estonia) and the Media Jury Chairman Mr. Jim Bell, Managing Director “Results International Consulting” (UK) presented opinions on the overall quality and originality of the submitted entries.

“During the five years the Festival has established itself as the Baltic scale ad forum, as 482 out of 640 entries were submitted by agencies from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The professional and creative levels of the Baltic agencies have significantly increased, which is proved by the jury results – 16 hammers for Latvia, 10 – for Estonia and 7 – for Lithuania. The biggest number of golden hammers (totally 5) travelled to Estonia. The main criterion in judging was the originality of the creative idea. In some of the Festival categories additional hammers were given (in TV and Print ads), however, in some categories (i.e. Interactive Ads) less than envisaged hammers were awarded. I am very satisfied with the achieved results”, said L. Ozolina.

The CREATIVITY CASE of GOLDEN HAMMER receives agency “B.V. McCann-Erickson”, Romania.

“This is the first time when the Creativity Case of the International Advertising Festival goes to Romania. Romania achieved excellent results – 9 awards, including 1 Grand Prix, 1 Gemmi Grand Prix for the entry against HIV/AIDS campaign, 3 Golden Hammers and 4 Silver Hammers. Agency “B.V. McCann-Erickson” received this year 6 awards and was highly recognised for the extraordinary approach and excellency in originality and creativity”, said P. Kandimaa.

The MEDIA FOLDER of GOLDEN HAMMER for the best media solution receives the agency from Estonia “Leo Express”.

“The Jury decided that the idea to attach toilet paper rolls onto the walls of the bus shelter walls, so that people can easily take them off and with each paper roll taken the Rimi Hypermarket ad was revealed, was a very original way of how to use outdoor advertising. The originality was found also in the viral marketing that was applied during the campaign – with hidden cameras the bus shelters and respectively people in them were filmed, afterwards these movies were sent out via e-mail across Estonia thus attracting even bigger attention of the society”, was glad to inform J. Bell.

In 18-countries-competition Latvian ad industry received totally 1 Grand Prix, 3 Golden Hammers and 12 Silver Hammers.

Estonian agencies were highly recognised – totally 1 Grand Prix, 5 Golden Hammers and 4 Silver Hammers. In their turn, our neighbouring country Lithuania took home 2 Golden Hammers and 5 Silver Hammers.

Best creative agencies:

Agency Country Points/total B.V. McCann-Erickson Romania 122 ZOOM! Latvia 104 DDB Budapest Hungary 48

Best media agencies:

Agency Country Points / total Leo Express Estonia 34 OMD Latvia Latvia 30 TBWAVidevita Lithuania 30

For the first time apart from the traditional festival categories – TV, print, outdoor, ad campaigns, interactive media, best use of media – entries were submitted and judged also in two new festival categories – direct marketing and social advertising. Grand Prix were awarded to the best entries in 7 categories, Gemmi Grand Prix was awarded for the best entry in the social ads category, Golden and Silver Hammers were awarded for the best entries in each of the 29 subcategories.

For information: The highest award of the festival – Agency of the Year and the Creativity Case and Media Folder receive agencies with the most points in the creative categories and the media category. Grand Prix - 18 points, Gemmi Grand Prix - 18 points, Golden Hammer - 14 points, Silver Hammer - 10 points, Short-list - 2 points. Golden Hammer 2004 gathered 114 advertising agencies from 18 countries: Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Byelorussia, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Categories with the largest number in submitted entries were: Print Ads – 181 entries, TV ads – 143, Outdoor Ads – 85, Media Category – 84 entries.

General Sponsor of Golden Hammer 2004 is outdoor advertising company “ClearChannel Baltics&Russia AB”. Sponsors and supporters of Golden Hammer 2004: Radisson SAS Daugava Hotel”, printing company Eclipse, printing company Aka Print poligrāfija, paper merchant MAP Latvia, internet portal DELFI, interactive technologies company IT Grupa, Adforum, direct marketing company Reklāmas pasts, publishing houses Diena Bonnier, Äripäeva Kirjastuse, Verslo Žinios, TV communications company TV Rīga, exhibitions company BT 1, jewellery producer Gemmi, media and advertisement research agency TNS BMF, Internet TV “TV.LV”, exhibition stands provider Demo Dizains.

For further information, please contact:

Dana Jermolajeva Project director GOLDEN HAMMER Tel. +371 7027234, Fax +371 7027132 e-mail: dana@hammer.lv www.hammer.lv
